Uncle Tickles does an impromptu 2019 recap when his college roommate (father of two) and one of his best friends (father of one) stop by to troubleshoot some audio.
They talk about the best things they listened to, watched, and read. Then they deep dive into their favorite moments as parents from 2019
Stick around after the closing music to hear Tickles pitch his new game show Best Friends.
Uncle Tickles is joined by the host of History of Westeros Aziz Al-Doory and the Chieftan and Volva of the Hels Gate Heathen Kindred...
Join Uncle Tickles, The Chicken Tender King of Minneapolis, and Michael Flynn as they wax poetic about their favorite meals growing up, who cooks...
Uncle Tickles isn't quite done dishing on the Easter treats! After you make your delicious cocktail flip on some of the killer tunes DJ...