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New Dad Season 2 Episode 8: Interview with an expert in 'creepy things'
Join us while Uncle Tickles interview's his most favorite guest over the last two seasons...the handsome, enigmatic expert in all things creepy...Shepard Wilde Pappas!!! ...

New Dad Podcast Presents: A Guide to being a Zaddy (Part 2)
In season one of New Dad's Guide to being a Zaddy we spoke with Sam Stahl about basic approaches dads could use to feel...

New Dad Season 2 Episode 6: The Keith Gessen Interview
In today's episode of New Dad we speak with Keith Gessen about his newest book Raising Raffi. Keith was raised in Russia, has written...

New Dad Season 2 Episode 5: Guns
We are joined by gun violence prevention activist Megan Kavarkis in our latest episode. We talk about what and where you can get involved,...

New Dad Season 2: Episode 4 Email Bag
After a small hiatus Uncle Tickles is back answering some of the questions listeners have sent as well as sharing some stories from the...

New Dad Season 2 Episode 3: Katie Got Bendz
In this week's episode Uncle Tickles talks to entrepreneur, home schooler, hoodrat, and longtime single parent (but no longer!) Katelyn Bends about her fascinating...